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on the quiet造句

"on the quiet"是什么意思  
  • The doctor told me on the quiet his patient had cancer .
  • The three warships milled about on the quiet sunny sea off the smoking island .
  • He transferred his bank account to switzerland on the quiet
  • On the quiet street in the city . a little old man walked alone . shuffling through the autumn afternoon
  • One of the reasons taxes are high is that people earn money on the quiet without declaring the income to the inland revenue
  • I couldn t find a balance , as he was rocketing away along his spiritual motorway and i was taking the scenic route on the quiet roads
  • Never did the sun go down with a brighter glory on the quiet comer in soho , than one memorable evening when doctor and his daughter sat under the plane - tree together
  • Xijiao guest house , located on the quiet hongqiao road is the biggest garden guest house in shanghai , occupying more than 80 hectares . only 5 kilometers away from hognqiao international airport
  • On the contrary , that stab in the back touch was quite in keeping with those italianos , though candidly he was none the less free to admit those ice creamers and friers in the fish way , not to mention the chip potato variety and so forth , over in little italy there , near the coombe , were sober thrifty hardworking fellows except perhaps a bit too given to pothunting the harmless necessary animal of the feline persuasion of others at night so as to have a good old succulent tuck in with garlic de rigueur off him or her next day on the quiet and , he added , on the cheap
    不过,他仍然愿意坦率地承认,库姆街附近的小意大利128那些卖各种炸土豆片的自不用说,还有卖冰淇淋的和卖炸鱼的,也都不喝酒,是些勤勤恳恳省吃俭用的人们。不过,他们也许太喜欢趁着夜间随手乱逮属于旁人的有益无害的猫129族了。还把他或者她那不可或缺的130大蒜抄了来,好在第二天人不知鬼不晓地饱餐一顿带汁的佳肴,并且还说: “来得真便宜。 ”
  • A nigger rousted me out this mornin , and told me the people was getherin on the quiet with their dogs and horses , and they d be along pretty soon and give me bout half an hour s start , and then run me down if they could ; and if they got me they d tar and feather me and ride me on a rail , sure
  • It's difficult to see on the quiet in a sentence. 用on the quiet造句挺难的
  • Far away in the west the sun was setting and the last glow of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and strand , on the proud promontory of dear old howth guarding as ever the waters of the bay , on the weedgrown rocks along sandymount shore and , last but not least , on the quiet church whence there streamed forth at times upon the stillness the voice of prayer to her who is in her pure radiance a beacon ever to the storm - tossed heart of man , mary , star of the sea
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